At Tarr Hyundai, we commonly get asked the question: “Why choose Hyundai?” It’s a great question, and it has many answers. Sure, you want one of the best cars you can get at a very competitive price. After all, Hyundai vehicles are well-built, efficient, comfortable, stylish – everything you want in a modern car. But there are so many more benefits to buying a Hyundai – benefits that you may not even be aware of. You see, when you buy a Hyundai, your dollars go toward pediatric cancer research, American jobs, and more. And every time a Hyundai gets sold here at Tarr Hyundai or any other dealership, it’s another penny in the jar, metaphorically speaking. Allow us to share a few of the ways Hyundai is contributing to a better today and tomorrow.
Hyundai Hope
Since Hyundai Hope was founded, more than 1,000 major grants have been awarded to improve care for children with cancer. In addition, Hyundai donated $4.4 million to support on-site Covid testing centers due to the weakened immune systems of kids with cancer. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their support of children with cancer.
American Jobs
Nearly 100,000 people in America design, engineer, build and service Hyundai vehicles. From Alabama and Georgia to California and Michigan, Hyundai is providing jobs all across the land.
The Environment
Hyundai is fully committed to the environment. That means building environmentally-friendly cars, but it also means building them in environmentally-friendly ways. In fact, Hyundai has a goal of complete carbon neutrality by 2045. How will they do it? With initiatives such as green energy innovations, the use of recycled materials in cars and factories, and next-gen transportation platforms. Not to mention trees. Lots of trees. Hyundai plants thousands of trees.
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That’s Why You Should Buy A Hyundai
So you see, when you purchase a Hyundai , you’re getting so much more than a quality vehicle at a competitive price. You’re making an impact in ways you never knew.
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