Halloween is just around the corner and you are lost for ideas when it comes deciding on a costume. Fortunately for you, we specialize in selecting the best costumes to ensure that you take home the top prize in the best-in-house costume contest. So, stop stressing, read through this blog, and enjoy your Halloween.
Rapunzel And Her Tower
This is guaranteed to be a showstopper. All you have to do is make a long braid with yellow yarn. Loop the yarn about 30-40 times per braid section. Do this three times since the braids have three sections. Then braid the three sections together. Tie purple bows throughout.
Find a beanie, glue yellow yarn on it to make it look like hair. Strap your baby in to a front carrier and then attach the braided yarn to the carrier near the baby’s head so it looks like the braid and “hairy” beanie are attached. The one lugging the baby around should dress themselves to look like a tower.
An Ear Of Corn
Who doesn’t want to dress up as an ear of corn? Most people don’t, actually, which is why this costume is perfect because you’ll be the only one wearing one. All you need is yellow and white tissue paper, yellow yawn, a tapestry needle, natural raffia, a safety pin, and a green sweatshirt.
Start by crumbling the tissue paper in corn kernel shapes. Makes about 25. Line the kernels on a table in a 5-by-5 shape with colors in random spots. Sew the kernels together horizontally by each row. Then sew each row vertically. Leave excess yarn at each end. You want to have enough to create a breast plate made of “corn.”
The raffia should be attached together to make strands, which you will attach to the hood of the sweatshirt.
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DIY Rain Cloud
This quick and easy costume resembles a fluffy rain cloud with rain drops coming down. You can create this costume for under $15. All you need is a cheap wide-brim hat (like a sombrero), polyester batting, spray adhesive glue, a hot glue gun, grey spray paint, blue yarn, and a sheet of blue felt.
Start by spray painting the hat grey. Then spray it with adhesive and add the polyester in small clumps until you have achieved something resembling a fluffy cloud. Spray the batting with some gray paint to give it a stormy look.
Cut the felt into rain drop shapes. Cut yarn into varying lengths. Add the raindrops at various spots along the yarn. Glue the yawn to the hat under the cloud.
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